Published in Criminal Law by Chris Eskew on March 17, 2024.

Facing a public intoxication charge in Indiana? Understanding the legal implications and pathways to dismissal is crucial for safeguarding your future.

  • Public intoxication in Indiana is penalized when it endangers safety, breaches peace, or disturbs others.
  • Charges depend on the situation’s specifics, with varying misdemeanor classes and penalties.
  • Defense strategies include challenging police assessments and proving lack of endangerment or disturbance.
  • Pre-trial diversion programs may offer dismissal opportunities, especially for first-time offenders with no serious consequences from their actions.
  • A skilled defense lawyer can negotiate dismissals, leveraging positive personal attributes.

Understanding Public Intoxication Charges and Legal Defense in Indianapolis

¿Alguna vez has salido a un bar o a un restaurante y te has tomado "una copa de más" para despertarte a la mañana siguiente preguntándote si te habías portado bien? Normalmente no pasa nada. Sin embargo, si tiene la mala suerte de despertar en la cárcel o con una citación, es probable que se pregunte, ¿Qué es un cargo de intoxicación pública?

Eskew Law is a boutique law firm based in Indianapolis that focuses on criminal defense, among other areas of law.

In our decade of service to the people of Indianapolis and the surrounding areas, we developed a reputation for helping people out of situations they cannot handle on their own—like facing public intoxication charges.

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you fight a public intoxication charge.

Leyes y sanciones sobre intoxicación en público

El Código de Indiana § 7.1-5-1-3 es la ley de intoxicación pública del estado. La policía podría acusarle de embriaguez pública cuando parezca intoxicado por alcohol o una sustancia controlada en un lugar público, y se aplique una de las siguientes condiciones:

  • Estás poniendo en peligro tu vida,
  • Pones en peligro la vida de otra persona,
  • Ha quebrantado o está en peligro inminente de quebrantar la paz, o
  • Está acosando, alarmando o molestando a otra persona.

A public intoxication charge is generally considered a misdemeanor, leading to potential penalties such as 30 to 60 days of jail time and fines exceeding $1,000, varying based on state laws.

In certain instances, such as aggravated public intoxication, which usually entails a 3rd offense, the consequences may escalate to up to 2 years of imprisonment.

Indiana law prohibits public intoxication while using public transportation or a common carrier. This law applies to bus stations, airports, ticket offices, waiting areas, and train platforms.

Being drunk on a public bus is not a crime. But endangering yourself or someone else, breaching the peace, or disturbing another in the process is a Class C misdemeanor.

However, the crime rises to a Class B misdemeanor if you intentionally commit the violation or have a prior public intoxication conviction within the previous five years. The penalty for a Class C infraction is up to 60 days in jail and a fine of up to $500.

¿Cuándo puede la policía acusarle de estar ebrio en público?

Interestingly, Indiana law does not prohibit drinking in public (although local laws might). That means that you have not committed a state crime if you are simply drunk in public.

You have violated the law only if, in addition to being intoxicated, you endanger someone’s life, breach the peace, or disturb another person. 

However, the statutes are broad, so police can use them in many different ways. The police could charge you if you’re yelling and swearing in the street at 2 AM in a residential area or if you stumble out into traffic and nearly get hit by a passing vehicle.

Also, if a bouncer at a bar asks you to leave because you’re out of control, and you pound on the door to get back in, you could face public intoxication charges. 

How to Get Out of a Public Intoxication Charge: Possible Defenses

When facing a public intoxication charge, several defenses may be applicable to your situation. Consider the following strategies:

  1. No Public Intoxication Occurred: If the alleged intoxication did not take place in a public area, you may argue that the charge is unfounded.
  2. Inaccurate Intoxication Assessment: If law enforcement did not accurately determine your level of intoxication through proper procedures or tests, this could be a viable defense.
  3. Lack of Willful Intoxication: Demonstrating that your intoxication was not willful or intentional may help refute the charges.
  4. Violation of Constitutional Rights: If the arresting officers violated your constitutional rights during the arrest or investigation process, this could invalidate the charges against you.

It’s essential to consult with a legal professional to determine the most appropriate defense strategy based on the specifics of your case.

¿Puede conseguir que se desestime el caso sin juicio?

Prosecutors are very busy, and in the grand scheme of things, a public intoxication charge is not the most severe offense they handle daily. Sometimes, prosecutors like to focus on more serious crimes and unload less serious offense cases swiftly.

Therefore, the prosecutor might offer you a chance to have the case dismissed if you complete a pre-trial diversion program. 

El fiscal no tiene por qué darle esa oportunidad. Sin embargo, tiene más posibilidades de que se desestime el caso si no tiene antecedentes, si nadie sufrió lesiones debido a su comportamiento y si no causó daños a la propiedad. 

A reputable defense lawyer gives you a tremendous advantage because they know how to negotiate with the prosecutor. Additionally, a skillful attorney understands how to highlight your best qualities to show the prosecutor that your behavior does not reflect who you are as a person.

By focusing on attributes such as your education, occupation, family situation, reputation in the community, or other positive factors, your attorney might convince the prosecutor that you deserve a dismissal.

Convencer al fiscal de que desestime su acusación le permite pedir a un tribunal que borre su arresto. Si consigue borrar su arresto, no tendrá obligación legal de revelarlo si se lo piden en una solicitud de empleo, de vivienda o de préstamo. 

Ayuda Inmediata con su Cargo de Intoxicación Pública

Do not wait to see what happens in court before asking for help. Contact us right away for immediate assistance and a free consultation.

No legal problem is too big or small. At Eskew Law, our award-winning lawyers focus on getting you the answers and help you need.

Our criminal defense lawyers have the skill, knowledge, and experience needed to put this case behind you and get on with your life.

Foto del autor
Chris Eskew

Chris Eskew es el socio fundador de Eskew Law. Con más de 15 años de experiencia, centra su práctica en la defensa penal, defensa de DUI, y el derecho de familia. Chris es conocido por su dedicación a sus clientes, sus fuertes habilidades de defensa, y su compromiso de lograr los mejores resultados posibles en asuntos legales. Él es muy respetado dentro de la comunidad jurídica y se ha ganado una reputación de proporcionar una representación personalizada y eficaz.