Eskew Law Undergrad Scholarship

As attorneys helping those in the state of Indiana, it is our duty to give back to our community and provide fair legal representation in the realms of criminal defense, family law, and civil personal injury.

Children involved in the family court system can experience an array of emotions and difficulties. For this year’s scholarship, we are asking applicants to create an infographic depicting the potential negative impact involvement in the family court system has on children.

The infographic can include statistics related to emotional and behavioral issues and other challenges that children commonly face during divorce or other types of family court involvement.

Your infographic should also include tools, resources, and alternative solutions that the family court system could adopt or implement in an effort to minimize the impact of trauma who are the subject of child-related disputes.

Visión general

We are asking current law school students to create an infographic that illustrates the negative impact that children face when involved in the family court system.

And, propose possible alternative solutions that the family court system could adopt or implement in an effort to minimize the impact of trauma in children who are the subject of child-related disputes.

La infografía debe tener una anchura mínima de 600px.

Importe del premio: 

  • Se elegirá a un (1) estudiante de Derecho, que recibirá 1.500 dólares para sus estudios de Derecho.

Normas de admisibilidad

  • Applicants must be enrolled or accepted into an ABA-accredited law school in the United States as of the fall 2024 semester.


  • Envíe una infografía con una anchura de 600 píxeles o más. Los tipos de archivo aceptados son jpeg, png y PDF.
  • Por favor, incluya su nombre y apellidos, así como la facultad de Derecho en la que está matriculado en la parte inferior de la imagen infográfica.


  • Submissions must be received by September 30, 2024.  The scholarship recipient will be selected no later than October 11, 2024. The recipient of this scholarship will be notified no later than October 31, 2024.

Prepárese para enviar lo siguiente con su infografía

  • Nombre y apellidos;
  • Número de teléfono;
  • Dirección de correo electrónico;
  • Copia de su currículum;
  • Copia de su expediente académico más reciente.

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