Blog Category: Family Law

Derecho de familia

Navigating Prenuptial Agreements in Indiana

Published in Family Law on June 14, 2024.

Planning your wedding is a whirlwind of excitement. However, statistics show that the divorce rate in the US has increased since 2022. An Indiana prenuptial agreement—also known as a premarital agreement, or prenup for short—is a legal document couples create before marriage to outline how property and debts will be divided if they divorce. The … continue reading

¿Cuáles son las leyes de custodia de los hijos de Indiana para los padres solteros?

Published in Family Law on March 15, 2024.

In Indiana, the General Assembly addresses child custody laws. When compared to married parents, unmarried parents present some special legal concerns. These special concerns include unmarried fathers’ rights in Indiana. State courts try to balance these concerns. Unmarried fathers’ rights must be balanced with unmarried mothers’ custody rights to arrive at a fair determination. But … continue reading

¿Cuánto tiempo tiene que pagar la manutención de los hijos en Indiana?

Published in Family Law on March 15, 2024.

Financial support is crucial to your child’s ability to grow up in a stable environment. However, you might wonder how long you’ll have to pay child support in Indiana. When Does Child Support End in Indiana? In Indiana, child support typically ends when the child turns 19 years old, unless the child is incapacitated. Upon … continue reading

Cómo preparar su consulta de divorcio

Published in Family Law on February 5, 2024.

Scheduling an initial divorce consultation with a divorce attorney is the first step toward getting a divorce. It is important you know how to prepare for an initial consultation with a divorce attorney. Below are a few things you can do to get the most out of your consultation. Think Through the Most Critical Issues When … continue reading

2024 Indiana Derecho de Familia Actualizaciones

Published in Family Law on January 25, 2024.

En Eskew Law, nuestro equipo de abogados dedicados se compromete a mantener a nuestros clientes y a la comunidad informados sobre los cambios más recientes en el derecho de familia. Al comenzar el nuevo año, queremos compartir los últimos cambios legislativos de derecho de familia en vigor a partir del 1 de enero de 2024. Este artículo esbozará estos cambios y explicará . .. seguir leyendo

Factores del interés superior del menor en Indiana

Published in Family Law on July 17, 2023.

Divorce can lead to difficult decisions surrounding determining initial child custody and child support obligations. Additionally, subsequent custody modification cases are very emotional and complex. This is why it is best to partner with an experienced Indianapolis family law attorney. What Is Considered the Child’s Best Interest in Indiana? In the state of Indiana, child custody … continue reading

Pautas sobre el tiempo de custodia en Indiana

Published in Family Law on July 3, 2023.

Note: the following blog article was updated in July 2023. Need to talk to someone right away? Reach out to the family law attorneys at Eskew Law. New 2022 and 2023 Parenting Time Guidelines When you divorce or separate from the parent with whom you share a child, navigating issues such as parenting time can … continue reading

Por qué no debe solicitar el divorcio en Indiana sin un abogado

Published in Family Law on August 29, 2022.

Whenever a couple can sit down and come to an agreement on the major issues involved in a divorce, they may be able to avoid much of the litigation that otherwise is often a part of the process. Working out the details of a marriage settlement agreement is often the preferred approach because it makes … continue reading

¿Qué derechos tienen los abuelos bajo la ley de familia en Indiana?

Published in Family Law on August 22, 2022.

If you’re a grandparent concerned about your grandchildren’s health and safety or continuing your relationship and bond, talk with a family attorney at Eskew Law. We’ll explain grandparents’ rights in Indiana and your options. We know these are often emotional situations, and you don’t want to hurt or demonize your grandchild’s mom or dad. We’re … continue reading

Cómo preparar su consulta de divorcio

Published in Family Law on May 3, 2022.

Scheduling an initial consultation with a divorce attorney is the first step toward getting a divorce. However, once you schedule a divorce consultation, it is important you know how to prepare for an initial consultation with a divorce attorney. Below are a few things you can do to get the most out of your consultation. … continue reading

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