Blog Category: Personal Injury

Daños corporales

¿Cuál es el acuerdo promedio para los accidentes de camiones en Indiana?

Published in Personal Injury on December 7, 2023.

Los accidentes en los que se ven implicados grandes camiones suponen un importante problema de seguridad vial en todo el país. Sin embargo, el Instituto de Políticas Públicas de la Universidad de Indiana señala que los índices de mortalidad en accidentes de tráfico han aumentado recientemente. Además de las consecuencias físicas, psicológicas y financieras inmediatas de un accidente de camión grande, los accidentes de Indiana a menudo vienen con varias consecuencias colaterales a largo plazo. En conjunto, estas repercusiones ... seguir leyendo

¿Cuánto voy a recibir por el dolor y el sufrimiento de un accidente de coche en Indiana?

Published in Personal Injury on December 1, 2023.

Cuando un conductor negligente causa un accidente, las víctimas pueden tener derecho a una indemnización por los gastos relacionados con el accidente. En muchos casos, esto incluye daños por dolor y sufrimiento. La cantidad que podría obtener por el dolor y el sufrimiento de un accidente de coche en Indiana depende de varios factores. Sin embargo, en general, las víctimas de accidentes automovilísticos en Indiana pueden ... sigue leyendo

Cómo presentar una reclamación de accidente de auto con USPS en Indiana

Published in Personal Injury on May 31, 2023.

If you were hit by a USPS mail truck, you might wonder how to file an auto accident claim with the USPS in Indiana. Under the Federal Tort Claims Act, you must first file a timely tort claim prior to filing a lawsuit against a federal employee that injured you.  Under federal law, you file … continue reading

¿Qué sucede después de que alguien muere en un accidente de coche en Indiana?

Published in Personal Injury on May 24, 2023.

If you lost a loved one in a motor vehicle accident, you might have questions about what happens after someone dies in a car accident in Indiana. Indiana law allows the personal representative of the adult who died to bring a wrongful death lawsuit to recover damages. Sometimes, a parent or guardian may file a … continue reading

¿Cuál es el acuerdo promedio para los accidentes de motocicleta en Indiana?

Published in Personal Injury on April 26, 2023.

In 2020, nearly 83,000 motorcyclists were injured in accidents. Motorcycle accidents are some of the most devastating accidents that can take place on the roadway. By design, motorcycles lack the protection and safety mechanisms of a car. Because of this, even a minor accident can result in severe injuries and death. If you or someone … continue reading

¿Qué daños puedo recuperar por un accidente de motocicleta en Indiana?

Published in Personal Injury on January 25, 2023.

Most motorcycle riders understand the inherent dangers of riding a motorcycle. However, despite driving courses, defensive driving techniques, and taking extra precautions, accidents still happen. Because motorcycles don’t offer the same amount of protection a car or truck does, accidents can be devastating. At best, the motorcycle will be damaged, but anything worse than that … continue reading

¿Quién puede ser considerado responsable en un accidente de camión?

Published in Personal Injury on January 18, 2023.

After being in a truck accident, you might want to seek financial compensation to help you recover from your injuries and losses. Determining fault and negligence might be straightforward if you were hit by a privately-owned passenger vehicle. But if a semi-truck hit you, who is liable for your damages might not be so clear. … continue reading

Qué hacer tras un accidente de camión

Published in Personal Injury on January 11, 2023.

There is no way to know how you will react after a truck accident. Adrenaline is pumping, tensions are probably high, and it is unlikely anyone is in a clear state of mind. However, knowing what to do after a truck crash is vital to ensuring you can make a case for maximum compensation. Steps … continue reading

¿Debo firmar un accidente de auto formulario de liberación o autorización después de un accidente?

Published in Personal Injury on January 21, 2022.

The process of dealing with another driver’s insurance company after an Indiana car accident is critical to obtaining fair compensation. Unfortunately, many accident victims are unfamiliar with this process. This can lead them to make understandable mistakes that can have grave consequences on the outcome of their claim. Thus, it is important to understand how … continue reading

Estatuto del seguro de automóvil de Indiana "No Pay, No Play

Published in Personal Injury on January 17, 2022.

Almost every state in the country requires drivers to maintain some amount of car insurance. Indiana is no exception. In fact, if you are caught driving without insurance, Indiana police can issue you a ticket. Not only that, but drivers who have a history of driving without insurance may not be able to collect non-economic … continue reading

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