
Navigating Prenuptial Agreements in Indiana

Published in Family Law by Yasmin Abdelhak Barker on June 14, 2024.

Planning your wedding is a whirlwind of excitement. However, statistics show that the divorce rate in the US has increased since 2022. An Indiana prenuptial agreement—also known as a premarital agreement, or prenup for short—is a legal document couples create before marriage to outline how property and debts will be divided if they divorce. The … continue reading

Were You Accused of Sexual Assault in Indianapolis? Call Now

Published in Criminal Law by Ben Jaffe on June 6, 2024.

Accusations of sexual assault are highly complex and sensitive matters. Being accused of a sexual assault offense can have profound consequences. The social stigma attached to accusations alone often leads to lasting reputational damage and personal isolation. More importantly, a criminal charge for sexual assault of any type could ultimately lead to lengthy imprisonment, and … continue reading

How to Navigate Being Falsely Accused of Domestic Violence in Indiana

Published in Criminal Law by Carey York on May 23, 2024.

Facing false accusations of domestic violence in Indiana can lead to a daunting and distressing experience, even if the charges are never proven. The mere allegation can severely damage your reputation, career, and personal life. False accusations can arise from various motives, including emotional disputes, divorce proceedings, or misunderstandings. These charges carry direct legal consequences … continue reading

6 Best Criminal Defense Lawyers in Indianapolis, IN

Published in Best Lawyers List by Chris Eskew on May 23, 2024.

Navigating the complexities of the criminal justice system in Indianapolis requires the guidance of the best criminal defense lawyer. Whether you’re facing charges for a misdemeanor or major felony, the impact on your life can be profound. Understanding the nuances of criminal law and ensuring your rights are protected is paramount. It’s common to start … continue reading

6 Best Sex Crime Lawyers in Indianapolis, IN

Published in Best Lawyers List by Chris Eskew on May 22, 2024.

The accusation of a sex crime carries profound implications, making the choice of legal representation critical. Such charges demand the best sex crimes lawyer with significant experience in sex crime defense. You want someone adept at navigating the intricacies of both the law and the sensitive nature of these cases. Selecting the right attorney is … continue reading

6 Best Drug Crime Lawyers in Indianapolis, IN

Published in Best Lawyers List by Chris Eskew on May 21, 2024.

Facing drug crime charges in Indianapolis can lead to severe consequences, making it crucial to find the best drug crime lawyer. The complexities of drug laws and the legal system necessitate an attorney with specific experience in drug-related offenses.  As you search for the best drug crime lawyers, you might first turn to online directories … continue reading

Should I Accept a Plea Bargain or Go to Trial?

Published in Criminal Law by Ben Jaffe on May 13, 2024.

Plea bargaining is a common practice in criminal law. With the increase in minimum sentences, discretion that is allowed from court judges, the overwhelming number of criminal cases assigned to the court system, and unpredictable case outcomes, a plea bargain can sometimes make sense. There are also times when moving forward with a trial is … continue reading

What Is Aggravated Drug Possession in Indiana?

Published in Criminal Law by Chris Eskew on May 13, 2024.

The term “drug possession” can encompass many scenarios, from minor to the most serious drug offenses. While it is true you can face unsavory consequences for even minimal marijuana possession, a conviction for aggravated drug possession will almost surely result in much more severe sanctions. Whether or not this is your first time in trouble … continue reading

What Is a Public Intoxication Charge and How to Get It Dismissed?

Published in Criminal Law by Chris Eskew on May 13, 2024.

Facing a public intoxication charge in Indiana? Understanding the legal implications and pathways to dismissal is crucial for safeguarding your future. Understanding Public Intoxication Charges and Legal Defense in Indianapolis Have you ever gone out to a bar or restaurant and had “one too many” only to wake up the next morning wondering if you … continue reading

What Is a Legend Drug in Indiana?

Published in Criminal Law by Chris Eskew on May 13, 2024.

Please note that our law firm practices law solely in the state of Indiana, and therefore cannot provide legal services outside of this jurisdiction. Legend drug crimes are taken seriously at both the state and federal levels. A conviction for any legend drug-related crime may result in harsh penalties. If you or a loved one … continue reading

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